Poker Tournament Strategy Early Stages

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Poker Satellite Tournaments Poker satellites are low buy-in tournaments that allow you to get tickets to higher buy-in events. They are sort of like the lottery of poker tourneys, but with the added bonus of smaller fields, and a better chance of winning. Prizes include tickets to bigger buy-in events online and live, like the WSOP. Early stage tournament strategy. In the very early stages of a poker tournament the game plays in a similar way to a cash game table. This is because the stack sizes are many times the size of the blinds, allowing betting on the flop, turn and river for many hands. Early stage tournament poker should be considered different than middle and late, and so forth. Because the goal of a tournament, by definition, is to win the last hand, there is a lot of pre-planning and waiting that should be practiced throughout the tournament. Jul 06, 2018 Tip #10: Think of the early stages of a tournament like a cash game. Don’t worry about survival and focus on playing solid poker. Don’t worry about survival and focus on playing solid poker. There’s a time and a place for stack preservation, and the beginning of a tournament isn’t it.

Sometimes it’s hard to get a straight answer from a professional poker player. Ask three players a question, and you’re liable to get three different answers. Why? Because it depends on the situation, opponent, stack sizes, table image, and many other variables.

Head Games will peer deep inside the twisted minds of today’s top players. We’ll reveal why they do what they do in sticky situations. Let the games begin.

The Pros:Phil Laak, Alex Kamberis and Corwin Cole

Poker Tournament Strategy Early Stages 1

Craig Tapscott: How do you approach the early stages of a deep stacked multitable tournament, live or online?

Phil Laak: Tight is right. In the early stages, the only time that I’m going to put my whole stack in is when I pretty much have the nuts. Usually, it’s the funny nuts, like when I have 8-5 and the flop comes 8-8-5 or 7-6-4. Also, when the antes kick in, you want people to perceive you as a nut peddler; that’s pretty much your dream scenario. Also, never advertise; never show your bluffs, ever. It’s 2010, and no one is folding anymore. So, your bluff ratio should be smaller. If you don’t play a hand in the early stages, your chip stack will barely change. You will not bust out. I look at the early stages as an opportunity to trick my opponents into thinking I’m a super-nit.

Alex Kamberis: How I play early in an average online tournament is very player-dependent. Typically, I play very tight-solid against random players, and a lot more aggressively against regulars. This is because regulars usually expect me to be playing straightforwardly early on, and are typically playing straightforwardly themselves, especially those who are mass multi-tabling [playing several tables simultaneously], so it’s a dynamic that can definitely be taken advantage of.

I also think that, in general, I have a pretty tight image against regulars, so I try to work with that, as well. Random players tend to overreact to the deeper stacks early on, and play a bit too loosely. So, the best way to counter that is usually by playing a tighter, more ABC game. In general, you will see me playing a pretty patient, solid game in the early stages.

Corwin Cole: In the early levels of live tournaments, I am one of the most aggressive players. But there is a certain finesse to early-game aggression: It must be controlled and selective. My goal is never to play big pots or get all in early; I don’t live by the motto, “Go big or go home.” Think of a sword fight. I want to thrust and swing my blade frequently and relentlessly, seeing how my opponents parry and counter, but I’m not going out of my way to get any kills. This will create the rapport that I want by the time the antes kick in and the pots become significant near the end of the day.

If I have executed well, some of my opponents will be clamoring for a way to fight back from losing momentum, while others will be disheartened and unwilling to put any chips in without real hands. Both of these dynamics are alright with me; on one end of the spectrum, I’m able to play against people who are acting out of desperation and are running terrible bluffs, while on the other end, I am steamrolling people who feel that they can’t bluff at all. For me, the first few levels of a live tournament provide the opportunity to set the stage for inflated profits later in the day.

Craig Tapscott: How do you play big pairs in the early stages? Do you ever pot-control, proceed with caution on scary flops, and so on? If so, when and why?

Phil Laak: If I open preflop with A-A or K-K and an opponent reraises, I think it’s incorrect to then reraise. The reason is, if your opponent is anybody who knows how to play poker, and he reraised you with the 85 or Q-Q and then you reraise him, you’re not going to get any action. Savvy players will fold Q-Q or worse, I believe. If your opponent is a clueless player and never folds, keep raising. But if he’s a decent player, just call. Guess what? On the flop, no matter what comes down, he’s going to continuation-bet. If he has a big hand, a lot of flops are favorable for him when holding Q-Q or K-K, and he will keep betting when you have A-A, giving your hand more value.

Corwin Cole: Chips currently accumulated are great, but future chips earned from current plays that you make are almost always more valuable. If I play a hand at the 50-100 level (before there are any antes) that makes somebody play poorly in a later hand at the 300-600 (75 ante) level, I’m reaping massive rewards overall. For that reason, I’m not a fan of the “small-ball” early-stage style. I don’t generally pot-control with big pairs; I try to maximize value from them. I’m erring on the side of optimism, not caution.

When I need to make a crucial check or fold with a big pair, I do it. But if I don’t have a good read that I’m beat, I am likely to be playing a big pot. My consistent aggression, whether I have a hand or not, will enable me to continue playing aggressively throughout the day. Displaying a tendency to pot-control excessively with one-pair hands will dramatically decrease the number of aggressive lines that I can take to bluff later on. And if I leave myself unable to bluff late in the day, I might as well just sit out.

Alex Kamberis: Most people overplay big pairs in the early levels of a tournament. Unless it’s a very late position battle (button vs. blinds or blind vs. blind), it’s usually a mistake to be three-betting with hands like J-J and Q-Q, and sometimes even K-K. If you reraise, you need to consider what kind of hands the other player is actually going to continue with, let alone four-bet. For example, if a good player raises from early position in the first level of a tournament, and you choose to three-bet with Q-Q from middle position, what are you going to do against a four-bet? Since the kind of hands that he will four-bet tend to be almost always K-K or better, it’s obviously a pretty big mistake to be three-betting here.

Also, by just calling, you add a lot more value to your hand post-flop with that extra deception, since a lot of people tend to mistakenly rule out big pairs (Q-Q, K-K) when you don’t three-bet. Once I just call with a hand like Q-Q, I tend to just call down on most “good” low boards, and raise only if I hit a set or if the other player is clearly weak (betting especially small, and so on). On most boards, this will be the best way to get value with an overpair. Typically, early in a tournament, I will find myself three-betting more often with hands like 10-9 suited or A-A, and less often with hands like A-K, K-K, or Q-Q.

Poker Tournament Strategy Early Stages
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This article series will focus on adapting to the changing levels. That is, the increasing blinds and the addition of antes. We have articles about the early stages, the middle stages, the bubble, the late stages, and the final table. Each piece will help guide you all the way to a first place tournament finish.

This page will discuss the early stages of tournament poker, and how to adapt your play to the beginning of the tournament. Our definition of the 'early stage' of a tournament is the time period between the first hand of the tournament until about half of the tournament field is eliminated.

Blinds and Antes

In the early stage of a tournament, blinds and antes won't be a major concern. Since most tournaments provide players with a starting stack of 1,500 or 3,000 chips, and blinds usually start at 10/20 (no antes), each player has anywhere from 75 to 100 big blinds. This is more than enough to play with normal poker strategy, so during the early stages you shouldn't worry about stealing blinds or antes to survive.

Aggression During the Early Stages

During the early stages of a poker tournament you should use a pretty mellow approach, because too much aggression during the early stages of a tournament usually leads to an early exit. Since blinds are so small in relation to your stack size, we recommend seeing a lot of cheap flops and looking for a spot to double up. There is no reason to get all your chips in the middle unless you are at least an 80% favorite. Avoid coin flips, because you will find better spots to use your chips later in the tournament.

We recommend playing a lot of marginal hands in late position, especially if you can get in cheap. For example, if you have KJ on the button and someone makes a raise to 3x the big blind, you should call behind and try to flop a big hand. This strategy only works if you are able to release hands though, because often times you will be out-kicked with marginal hands if you make top pair. You should be looking to hit two pair, trips, or a straight - these are the hands that will win you big pots, because other players will have a hard time getting off top pair or an over pair.

By seeing a lot of cheap flops from late position, you give yourself a great chance to hit a flop and double up while only risking a small portion of your chip stack. And by avoiding preflop all-in coin flips you will give yourself a better chance of survival, and will save chips for use later in the tournament.

Other Players' Aggression

As stated before, many players will have the mentality to get all-in on coin flips preflop. These players want to build a large stack early in the game, and if they are eliminated they have no problem with it. You can take advantage of these players' aggressiveness by doubling up when you have a huge hand. Remember though, don't shove all your chips in the middle with any two cards. If a player is playing very aggressively, call his all-in with Queens, Kings, Aces, or Ace-King, because those hands have 95% of his range dominated.


Overplaying Too Soon

Many players tend to involve themselves in pots with marginal hands early in the tournament. At this stage in the tournament overplaying hands such as AK or small pocket pairs will relieve you of a majority of you stack. At later stages in the tournament, continuation bets on flops and turns can steal the pot after a pre-flop raise. But because the aggression of opponents is so high early on, continuation bets are not as effective.


If you are holding a marginal hand like AK or 77 on a flop of 10-J-6 with a couple suited cards, a continuation bet may be very dangerous. Odds are your opponent has outdrawn you with a weak hand such as A10 or Q10. However, this early in the tournament a player will be much more willing to call your C-bet. So although you may think your opponent is on a draw, he may be willing to call you down to the river with these weak hands.

Poker Tournament Strategy Early Stages 10

Now that you know about the early stages, read on about the middle stages of a poker tournament.

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