Online Casino Software Developers

Top Casino Software Developers. Software providers first popped up online during the 1990's, from one of the favourites called Microgaming. This online gaming brand, were responsible for all the pop up slot machines that you see today within land based casinos.

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Online Casino Software Developers Download

CUSTOM CASINO GAME SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. We develop gaming software solutions and perform game design for the casino game industry, catering to standard and mobile gaming systems, as well as land based and online casino systems, and sports oriented platforms. Click on the screens below to learn more about our casino game development. Dusane is a casino software developer that offers a complete solution for opening of an online casino. We can help you to create your online casino and achieve maximum results. NetEnt Widely considered one of the best casino software developers in the world, NetEnt is responsible for titles such as Gonzo’s Quest, Jack and the Beanstalk and Starburst. Not content to stop pushing. Our gaming developers & designers have years of expertise in building casino gaming software solutions and they ensure that you get high-performing casino online software. Whether you want an all-new casino game software to commence an online.

May 9, 2019 Casino

According to Statista, by 2020 the global revenue of the online gambling market will reach $59.79 billion, which is a 13% increase compared to 2017.

Ace Casino explains that such industry growth is led by:

  • huge advancements in technology,
  • lower transaction and operating costs than traditional gambling institutions,
  • access to a much wider audience,
  • more easily attract clients from around the globe, and
  • the possibility to provide a richer variety of services.

These factors have triggered online casino gaming development, and as a result, gaming software companies have become more and more competitive.

With the development process being as complicated and time-consuming as it is, creating a successful online casino game is no simple task.

Moreover, a lot of difficulties pop up along the way. An expert from Playtech comments, “You always need to go through compliance and make sure that user is not underaged and lives in a country where online casino games are not forbidden”.

This post aims to help casino games software developers improve their development process. It will cover:

  • All stages of online casino game development
  • Tools and techniques used to achieve better results at each stage

Stages of Online Casino Gaming Development

Casino game app development goes through a series of stages. Thus, the entire lifecycle from the idea to game release includes the following:

  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Creating a prototype
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Release and maintenance

Brainstorming Ideas

The first stage of creating any casino game is to come up with an idea.

To increase the likelihood of your game concept taking off, market research, analysis, and planning are required.

Based on thorough market research and analysis, identify the type of a casino game, theme, and its storyline.

An effective method of structuring your ideas is with a mind map. Create a central concept that will be a starting point in representing your topic of interest. Then, add branches, keywords, images, and comments. Such visualization will help capture the ideas and organize them properly.

At the brainstorming stage, make sure to investigate the technology trends that can help improve your future game.

For instance, pay attention to virtual reality technology, which has come to casinos during the last years. VR games provide better bonus systems and improved in-game chatting options which may help your product become popular among a wider audience.

Another trend is cryptocurrency, a payment method that players and gaming software companies can both benefit from. Players can remain anonymous, carry out transactions faster, and pay minimum commission. Companies can increase their audience, skip a licensing stage, and pay no commission for multiple conversions.

Tools for Gambling Software Market Research

For more effective market research, apply the following tools:

1. Questback is a unified market research software. It is aimed at bridging the gap between the product, gaming software, and its audience by collecting data, analyzing gamblers’ attitudes and trends, and tracking product adoption. Questback helps casino software providers define demand, collect data from online panels, social media, or loyalty programs.

You can benefit from Questback even while brainstorming. However, it’s possible to get customers’ feedback during the production stage, too.

2. Loop11 is a usability testing system that enables you to test any website or an individual page — even your competitor’s. Based on the testing, this service creates heatmaps and provides clickstream analysis.

At first, Loop11’s usability tests are used before launching the game, and then you can run them multiple times after it goes live.

3. Social Mention is a social media search engine that helps you track what people say about your social game’s topic across the web’s social media environment and measures the results in real time. It covers such networks as Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Twitter, Digg, Google, etc.

Social Mention is used during the idea stage. The results shown by the system help understand whether the topic is popular among the gaming audience.

4. FreeLunch collects worldwide financial, economic, and statistical data based on the industry and location. The platform collects gambling data from publicly available sources and gathers it in a single place. It can help determine the casino game development cost, for example.

This tool can be useful during the market analysis stage once you have come up with the game topic and identified major competitors.

Online Casino Software Developers

5. SurveyMonkey helps you to understand consumer and market preferences through in-depth surveys. The service allows for the creation of surveys both for primary and secondary market research and provides ready-made templates. It helps gain insights on your product, conduct market segmentation, and analyze consumer behavior.

Just like Questback, SurveyMonkey is valuable during the idea stage. Additionally, it helps constantly monitor the nature of customers’ behaviour after the game release.

Creating a Prototype

After сonducting market research to support the idea, the creation of a prototype of the online social game takes place. The purpose of the online casino games development company is to build a skeletal structure, see how the game will look on paper, and design the primary version.

Online casino software providers

In his article on prototype creation, Todd Rivers, a technical artist and product designer at RDI Studio says that with a working prototype, it is easy to “feel” the game. He claims that a good prototype makes it possible to modify the look of the game quickly and “see if your first stab at the math is any good.

Tools for Gambling Software Prototyping

The following tools will help casino software developers during the prototyping stage:

1. Framer is a prototyping tool that requires no coding knowledge. It enables you to develop and support UX flows, embed shapes, move images, incorporate text, gestures, and animation, and export the ready code.

The price for individuals is $12 per month, for teams – $79, and for companies, it is generated upon request.

2. Marvel facilitates mobile and web projects. It allows you to upload JPG, GIF, PSD images, or import them directly from Google Drive, Scratch, or Dropbox. Marvel provides editing options such as resizing, altering background colors, and it offers eight various prototype frames. There is also an option to optimize for different devices.

There is a free version of Marvel that includes 1 user and 1 project. The pro plan costs $12 per month, and for teams, $42.

3. InVision is another web-based service for collaboratively creating interactive mockups both for mobile and web projects. It allows synchronizing Sketch and Photoshop files and creating hotspots, previewing and controlling versions, commenting, adding mobile gestures and unique animation, and creating hover states.

The starter version costs $15 per month, professional – $25, and team – $99. The price for enterprises is generated upon request. There is also a free trial.

4. is a web-based service for creating game interface prototypes for web and mobile projects. It targets game designers and UX professionals. The benefit of this tool is that it requires no coding and is available to everyone.

The freelancer plan costs $24, startup – $40, agency – $80, and the corporate plan approaches $160 monthly. There is also a free trial.

5. Unity is a complete platform for designing all sorts of casino games: mobile, social, instant, VR and AR, and others. Here at Innovecs, our designers and slot game developers use Unity Game Builder for mobile development, single/multiplayer games, intuitive UI, 2D, and 3D games, game character design, and further tech support and maintenance.

There are 3 pricing plans.The plus plan costs $25, pro – $125. The price for personal is discussed in person.


Coding is the most important stage of slot game development. During this stage, the team of casino games software developers, designers, and artists work together to produce a single well-functioning piece of gaming software. Compared to the stages described above, this one is the most time-consuming.

Tools for Online Gaming Software Coding

Usually, developers use casino game development services and technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript frameworks, Vert.x, and MongoDB. Let’s see how each of them helps:

1. 70% of all online slots are developed on the basis of HTML5 since 97% of all active devices support this format. HTML5-based games are faster than instant ones. Moreover, vector graphics of SVG can be used for scalability without any changes in quality.

2. Angular is an open-source, JS framework for building SPAs (single page applications). The benefits for online casino game development include 2-way data binding, dependency injection, directives, and simple testing capabilities. The code is easily readable, can be reusable, and there are no difficulties in maintaining it.

3. Node JS is an open-source, server-side JS RTE (run-time environment) that works on multiple platforms. It drives asynchronous input/output data with EDA (event-driven architecture). It best suits the lottery platform, betting software, and slot game development.

4. Vert.x is similar to Node.JS. Being multi-language, Vert.x can be applied by game development companies along with JavaScript, Ruby, Groovy, Java, or Python. It uses Hazelcast, which is the most scalable in-memory data grid system.

5. Vue JS is another JS framework with multi-ranked functions for the creation of high-end single page applications. It is also reliable for cross-platform development. Vue JS is a good choice of poker software developers.

6. MongoDB is a database that allows for accessing data directly from the frontend code, distributing it for applications, and triggering serverless functions to respond to data changes. It is used to collect and process records from online casino table games.


The final stage before releasing the game is testing to determine whether the application is ready to be launched. A critical eye is needed to find all inconsistencies and make sure the game is complete before production.

Tools for Effective Game Testing

The testing process is quite complicated. It consists of various techniques in connection with automation tools.

Here are a few types of online casino game testing:

1. Combinatorial testing entails the creation of many test cases that increase the efficiency of test execution, reduces cost, and provides better quality.

Key aspects:

  • Test covers all possible value combinations of the parameters
  • Parameters can be chosen from the game components, features, configs, character attributes, events, etc.
  • Combinations for testing have to be systematically generated

2. Functionality testing helps detect game inaccuracies or bugs that can influence user experience.

Key aspects:

  • Confirmation that the game is developed in accordance with specifications.
  • Assurance that the installation is seamless, the game properly operates in a minimized mode, payment gateways are well-supported, etc.
  • Applies of the black-box testing technique

3. Compatibility testing inspects whether the game works correctly in connection with hardware, software, and graphics configs of the device. It is often applied to mobile games to make sure they can be launched on different devices.

Key aspects:

  • Checking whether the screen size matches all types of devices
  • Ensuring the text in the interface is readable for all gamblers
  • Confirming general stability and workability of the gaming software

4. Regression testing is also called re-testing. Testers recheck the unchanged components of the software to make sure that the new modifications to other parts of the game have not affected the rest of its functionality.

Key aspects:

  • Re-running tests used at the previous stages
  • Comparing previous and current results of testing
  • Catching bugs and errors before the game goes live

5. Load testing is used to see how the game will work under real-time loads. This method displays the response of the software when many users log on and play the game at the same time.

Key aspects:

  • Checking product sustainability
  • Determining whether the existing infrastructure suffices for seamless launch
  • Identifying the number of users that can be supported

6. Play testing speaks for itself. Beta users and internal testers play the developed game to see how it actually works and examine non-functioning areas.

Key aspects:

  • Assessing the game in general
  • Checking whether it works in an organized manner
  • Analyzing the first impressions of the users

Along with these testing types, our QA specialists use casino game development and testing studios such as JUnit, Cucumber, Selenium, Watir, WatiN, Capybara, Maven, Jenkins, and Bamboo to increase the effectiveness.

“Development process duration differs from game to game. While it takes just a few months to complete a simple yet addictive game, it might take up to 2 years and a much bigger team of people to soft-launch a huge project with various complex features,” comments Alexey Isaev, senior engineering manager at Innovecs.

Finale: Release of the Game

The game can only be released after it has undergone all the stages.

However, projects require further support and maintenance, as well as testing all fresh updates. After all, gaming software companies have to continue researching and analyzing the market to find better opportunities.

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When choosing an online casino, it is important to know who provides the casino software, since the casino software is what keeps your gambling fair and entertaining. Software providers develop the games you play, so they are the ones that determine the quality of the release. Once you know which developer makes the games you like, it is an easy task to find the best online casino for you.

Factors That Make for the Best Online Casino Software

There are several factors worth considering when you evaluate casino software developers.

  • Fairness: When online gambling for real money, you need to know that the games are not rigged and that you’re getting fair odds and a legitimate result
  • Graphics: We’ve come a long way from the original 2D gaming experience. The best casino software developers produce high-quality titles that look fantastic
  • Playability: It’s nice to play a good-looking game, But if the controls are awkward and the display is full of clutter, your experience is not going to be fun
  • Game Features and Interaction: We all want responsive games, so fast loading times and interesting features are a must
  • Themes: Casino software development is a competitive market, so the premier titles have fun and memorable themes

Different Types of Online Casino Software

Choosing the best online casino software provider can be subjective. An important factor to consider is the type of software that suits your style of play best and gaming experience.

Instant Play/Flash

Technology moves fast and we live in a world where people want an instant response when they search online. Instant-play casino titles allow players to get straight into the action without the need for any downloads. Convenience and fast loading time are key.


While instant play online gaming is great for fast response times, downloading online casino software comes with many benefits. Downloadable casino games are optimized for your device so you get a much better playing experience. The graphics are richer and they generally consume less data.


We don’t always wish to play at home, and this is where mobile gaming comes in. You can play your favorite titles from your mobile device anytime, anywhere. High-quality casino games are available for all mobile devices. Graphics and gameplay can be stunning, although it also depends on your device’s hardware.

Top Casino Software Providers 2021

Developing casino games is a competitive market, which is great news for players. We get better and better games each year. These are the biggest digitally distributed casino gaming developers in the market right now:


Playtech was set up in 1999 and is currently one of the biggest and foremost online casino software suppliers, with many gaming solutions in its locker. The developers focus on quality releases and they are always developing new features for their games. Many of their slots include in-game free spins and bonus round features to enhance a players experience.

Players favorite games from Playtech include:

  • Green Lantern
  • Age of the Gods Prince of Olympus
  • Age of the Gods Furious 4

Top Playtech Casinos


Betsoft has been around since 1999 and is renowned for being one of the leading online slot developers. They focus on creating quality graphics, and their games have a cinematic feel to them. Playing a Betsoft game is like watching a Pixar 3D animation. While still retaining amazing graphics, they also create casino games for lower-end devices so everyone can play.

Casino players can enjoy popular titles from Betsoft that include:

  • Safari Slam
  • At the Copa
  • Gypsy Rose

Top Betsoft Casinos


Online Casino Software Developers Free

IGT or International Game Technology is one of the biggest names in the casino industry. They have been around since 1951, moving from brick and mortar casinos to online casinos. They develop classic slots with stunning graphics and also offer streaming services, instant play titles, and a host of downloadable games with famous themes.

Some of the most popular titles from IGT are:

  • Bubble Craze
  • Pharaoh’s Fortune
  • Mega Jackpots Star Lanterns

Top IGT Casinos

Evolution Gaming

When it comes to releasing top-of-the-range live casino software, look no further than Evolution Gaming. Based in Sweden, they began developing casino software in 2006 and have won multiple awards for their titles. One of the biggest providers of live dealer games, if you ever play at a live table in an online casino, there is a high chance that they are using Evolution Gaming’s software.

Online casino software developers downloads

Some of the most popular titles from Evolution Gaming are:

  • Infinite Blackjack
  • Lightning Baccarat
  • Immersive Roulette

Top Evolution Gaming Casinos


Novomatic began creating casino games in the 1980s, and when online casinos began to grow in popularity, they began to create online casino software. In 2010 they bought a controlling stake in Greentube Studio and later Ainsworth Game Technology Limited. They focus on creating quality titles and were among the first gaming manufacturers to use touch screen technology in a selection of games.

Some of the most popular titles from Novomatic are:

  • Diamond Link: Mighty Sevens
  • Mega Bonus Joker
  • Book of Ra Magic

Top Novomatic Casinos


Microgaming claims to be the first company to develop true online casino software in 1992. However, they are most widely known for their mega-hit Mega Moolah which paid out a staggering $20,057,734 to one lucky player in 2019. They are responsible for creating many millionaires with their progressive jackpots, and they offer some of the most lucrative jackpots and bonuses in the gaming industry for their casino games.

Some of the most popular games from Microgaming are:

  • Mega Moolah
  • Thunderstruck II
  • Game of Thrones 243 Ways

Also in their vast game selection, you will find many video poker titles with such player favorites as Deuces Wild and Jacks or better.

Top Microgaming Casinos


In the 1950s, Aristocrat began making slot machines in Australia and came up with the first poker machine. Releasing a massive range of titles, they have won numerous awards over the years. In 2018 they acquired Big Fish, one of the biggest developers of free-to-play mobile games. Their online casino games feature amazing graphics, fun and popular themes.

Some of the most popular titles from Aristocrat are:

  • Red Baron
  • Queen of the Nile II
  • Dragon Emperor

Top Arisocrat Casinos


Joining the gaming scene in 1996, NetEnt specializes in instant play games with stunning graphics and cutting edge gaming technology. With over 200 online titles they have a massive selection to choose from without any need to download anything. All games are optimized for mobile devices too, so you can play a game with a single click.

Some of the most popular slot machines from NetEnt are:

  • Fruit Shop
  • Riches of Midgard: Land and Expand
  • Rome: The Golden Age

Top Netent Casinos


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From humble origins in their parent’s basement, Cryptologic was started by 2 brothers in 1995. They make several casino games and poker products, instant play and downloadable titles, and also provide online bingo software. Focusing on gameplay, they may not have the best graphics in the industry, but they create games with memorable themes and engaging storylines.

Some of the most popular games from Cryptologic are:

  • Marvel Slot Machines
  • Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker

Top Crypotogic Casinos


Merkur Gaming, part of the German-based Gauselmann Group. They are most famous for physical gaming machines at land based casinos and only recently moved into the online casino market. With more than 150 titles to their name, they focus on memorable themes and famous characters like Sherlock Holmes to make the game more fun. They typically have smaller and more frequent payouts in their slots.

Some of the most online slots from Merkur are:

  • Queen’s Citadel
  • 221B Baker Street
  • Age of Machines

Top Mekur Casinos


NYX is more commonly known as NextGen Gaming. They focus on a variety of casino software, producing casino games, online bingo, and lottery-style games. Many of their most famous titles are instant play flash games, and they like to add comic book themes into their slots. NYX has won many awards for its innovation as a casino software provider.

Some of the most popular titles from NYX are:

  • Big Kahuna – Snakes & Ladders
  • Big Tasty
  • Merlins Magic Respins

Top NYK Casinos

Real Time Gaming

Starting production in the 1990s, Real Time Gaming has over 100 slot titles available. With an initial focus on downloadable casino games, they now focus on instant play games. Some of their slots have been around for decades and feature low-quality graphics that add to the feel of the game. The biggest appeal of their games is the big jackpots offered.

Some of the most popular titles from Real Time Gaming are:

  • Bubble Bobble
  • Naughty Or Nice: Spring Break
  • Three Stooges

Top RTG Casinos

The Best Casino Software provider For Slots

Casino Software Download

With so many quality casino software providers producing amazing slot games, it is hard to pick a single best one. Betsoft produces the most outstanding slot games with amazing graphics and 3D animations. The quality of their graphics rivals any Pixar film, making them our top choice among software providers of slot titles. Good Girl, Bad Girl is their most popular casino game with an average RTP of almost 98%.

Best Table Games Software

When it comes to the best casino software developer for table games, Playtech is one of the most popular among online casinos. They utilize high-quality graphics and amazing sound effects to completely immerse the player into every game. They have one of the best Baccarat games that we have seen, and you will feel like you’re sitting at the table. You always feel like a high roller at a Playtech Baccarat table.

Top Casino Software Developer Of Live Dealer Games

When it comes to the best casino software providers for live dealer games among online casinos, there is only one winner. Evolution Gaming is the clear leader in this category, and their live casino software gives players the most incredible experience. With HD streams and professional-looking dealers and tables, they provide the best live online gambling games. Their live Roulette and Blackjack games will make you feel like you are in an actual casino.

Best supplier of Digitally Distributed Casino Gaming Systems for Playing on the GO!

While many people enjoy online casinos from their desktops, most of us enjoy the convenience of online gambling on our phones. NetEnt is one of the leading software providers when it comes to mobile online casino software. Rather than simply optimize their online casino software for phones, they created an entire range of online casino games for mobile. You need a good internet connection to enjoy their best titles like Mega Fortune, but it’s worth it.

Choosing The Best Software To Play Casino Games?

Online Casino Software For Sale

When it comes to choosing the best software providers for your favorite online casino games, you need to realize that the competition is fierce, and the range of casino software is immense. It ultimately depends on which type of casino game you like. Whether you visit online casinos to play slots, or would rather play in real-time at a roulette table for real money, the best casino software will vary accordingly. Once you know which casino software best fits your needs, picking the best online casino becomes easier. Online gambling is much more enjoyable when you are playing the best version of your favorite casino game. This is why online casinos only pick the best developers of casino software to provide their games.


We put together a list of the most frequently asked questions to help clear any confusion you may have about casino software online.

To ensure that their online casino software is not rigged, a reputable online casino will only choose from the top casino software providers, such as the ones that we covered in this review.

The main benefit of playing at an online casino is that you can do so from the comfort of your own home at any time.

The first online casino was launched in 1996, but it is hard to pinpoint the first online casino game. It is most likely a release by Microgaming.

You can download casino software from the App Store, Google Play Store, or directly from an online casino website.

With so much competition among the top casino software developers, reliability is an important factor and modern casino software is highly reliable.

Casino software works on all systems. So you can visit an online casino from a Mac, Windows machine, or any mobile device.

Which is the most popular casino software provider?

Depending on what type of casino software you are looking for, Microgaming and NetEnt are 2 of the most popular casino software providers in the gambling industry. Evolution Gaming is also highly popular when it comes to Live Dealer games.

Does gambling software have any impact on payout times?

No, the payout times entirely depend on the casino you are playing at, and the payment method being used.

Are all software providers licensed and Regulated?

All the top casino software providers are fully licensed and regulated, which is why you will find our selection above at the best casino operators.

Which gaming software provides the biggest online jackpots?

Microgaming’s hit game Mega Moolah paid out a staggering $20,057,734 jackpot to one lucky player in 2019.